Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Wind lick form fright
Jacob light
Glib twit
Knock nib
Gobble snigger
Snatch shot saw
Slot sleep sleet
Spot speech scream
Oboe evil horn/ four head
Angel angle oblong engramme
Anna Blume anagrammed actuation
Humberside re-approach golden gastronomic
Apple bait
Knock gorilla
Still for the of
Monday, 29 September 2008
more time for blogging
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Friday, 26 September 2008
asemia rising
I'll mostly be publishing asemic writingon this blog for a while. I've been published in the new post-literate,
that wonderful online blogazine maintained by Michael jacobson.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
history lessen
Do something ,forget everything
Global piggy-back
Giggler niggardly prep-peep salt fold
Bank bankers parasites (try saying that while
stretching your cheeks)
Striated linguistic masturbation
Gun shot
Gin shit
Lip tip salve sop sip
Gulp bargain skin kamikaze
Opentop Yankee gunshot
Open soul baker’s demon
Full step king kill sound po pet
Jay eff key
Oliver stoned
Bruise bake she’ll sheet
Spot wendigo
Yeti where? Wolf
Hot share steel geist
Throw the dog a boner
sleep pole sheet dive
gone gone going
steel plate skull mash-dive
a top scale catholic con drive
beta zed gat goil.
Leaves fall from the tree like
I’m sitting beneath the tree
lemmings jumping off a cliff,
thinking about life and how
fluttering as they fall and
this autumn day is actually
twirling in their decent.
quite beautiful with all its
As I each these leaves I
Colours and textures.
am reminded of Isaac
the many-fold splendour
newton. Gravity is yank-
of nature is something that
ing at the leaves like a child
almost softens the heart of
pulling a string, though
a cynic like me.
this kid obviously didn’t
my dry eyes almost weep,
attach the string to both
but I’ve seen this all before.
Sides, because it’s spinning
It’s pretty much the same
Like crazy, all unstable and
Thing over and over again.
Shaky, like a malfunctioning
It’s just repetition. Endless
parachute. Needless to say,
repetition for all eternity
it keeps on falling ‘till it meets
on and on and on and on
another one follows it
and on and on forever.