Sunday, 30 June 2013

noise performance

frolicsome turns.
nevers of are.

 urticaria oft progress.
bairns un focus.
processions in tight.
fellatio in moonlit appendages.

bickers walls.

separation as mentioning.
  questions as formed.
       portions as served.

pinching flesh between concepts.
tors of tested magma. tuning in tinkled in
with fronds on failure.
amplification of syllables.

feather tight cello solos.
mutants of punctuation.
in bits if pixels.

perverted murmers.
aids pronunciation.
the spiked heel pierces

tones of well.
turns off wheel.
tins if will.

performances of a gender.
labial informants.
gynecological stasi.

urge un stunned.
polari of the lower tongues.

as capitalism absorbs it
approaches the value
of a thing.

canadian shoe leather/ flaps in will do.
could perform maintenance in trinsic.

fungus unction

simple frames un tungsten.

store bought books.
tangles of plectra.
burning fur in make-up

sine posting
 aggregates of tomes,
arches of rotund.

space pimples.
foam on gorse.

 wink of wing.
wank off turn.

trends on dialect
fungus unction.

internet linkage.
lingo of sun burned.

rubber stump poetry.
ink an paper.
palls un temperance.

stencil punk.
sheets friction.
fur byrne.

 cats from space.
went of work.
too apostrophe.

poem bargainage.
abrasion behind eyes.
flinging through hoops.



texture tackles frigid incision.
open in un open or.

glimpse in reed.
materials offer pressure.

meta-reference instruction
or situations.

blind indigo
orgiastic tropes.


ferment analogue stutters.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

pizza pits.
repeat process.

lexicon sounds

up,er, pull.
pull, er,up.

microphone crunch
tendons extending.

the body as anti-musical instrumental
curves en works.

skittish scottish sound poetry
(imitates bagpipes via throat bands.)
glutton punnish.

dumb dump bump pump.
bed  deb dab bad. bab babel.
bob of babble.

bob of either.
 bob an waves of un and and/or.
constants refrain.

time travail.
pillow  mittens.
ov 'er.

o'er o.

other another


another oh
over herd.

ever hard.

done down un dunn.
purim prism up end  off.

process "unan"

the un
un the
an the
the an



the an
the an the

first line written in a dream

belly pork for the belle epoch.
spheres conjoined or rotate an tandem

noise grates ears/thunders through throat.
 antimony. done undone lingual orders.

gone in-turn various leaves pulled up towards the.
grief pollen. tinder box tones. levels away from tyrant.

gunt stream (flab shook up in radial concentric's)
circle unfun literary references, burn up pages.

text formation inducts thought, balloons through
concept turns up commas, twists endgames.

Thursday, 27 June 2013





sed seds

my answers to the proust questionaire

What is your dream of happiness?
my caro's arms

What is your idea of misery?
to be truly alone.

Where would you like to live?
manchester, probably.

What qualities do you admire most in a man?

What qualities do you admire most in a woman?
good conversation

What is your chief characteristic?


What is your principal fault?

self loathing

What is your greatest extravagance?
books, mostly.

What faults in others are you most tolerant of?
those faults that do not stop me being their friend

What do you value most about your friends?
their friendship

What characteristic do you dislike most in others?

What characteristic do you dislike most in yourself?
my lack of patience

What is your favourite virtue?

What is your favourite occupation?

What would you like to be?
a human

What is your favourite colour?
alzarin crimson

What is your favourite flower?
can't say i have one

What is your favourite bird?
i like coots.

What historical figure do you admire the most?
I admire many, but no one above any other.

What character in history do you most dislike?
every ruler there has ever been.

Who are your favourite prose authors?
stephen king, george orwell, scott snyder

Who are your favourite poets?
bob cobbing, tim gaze, nico vasilakis, stephen nelson, stephen mcaffery, kurt schwitters, john bennett, bruce andrews, geof huth and aram aroyan.

Who are your favourite heroes in fiction?
the doctor from doctor who, stuttering bill from stephen king's "IT", skinner sweet from "american vampire"

Who are your heroes in real life?
i admire many people.

Who is your favourite painter?
it changes too often to say

Who is your favourite musician?
see above

What is your favourite food?
italian food cooked by my caro

What is your favourite drink?
i no longer have one.

What are your favourite names?
claudio, edward, birmingham

What is it you most dislike?

What natural talent would you most like to possess?
fine motor control

How do you want to die?
quietly in my sleep wrapped around my caro, as he is quietly dying himself

What is your current state of mind?

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
meeting my caro

What is your motto?


Wednesday, 26 June 2013


back-formation lexeme.
 sun overboard flame dendrite. 
"couth" from "uncouth".

sun overlay.
 "sastruga", plural "sastrugi".

 end rhythm.
concrete  "ism".
de campo chinese burns.

mxyzptlik pixie styx.
returns, un-returns , turns
and returns.

word barrage.
luke warm tendons.

Monday, 24 June 2013


twelve tone bebop burns up form.
expletives. cracks on vellum.
dumb shapes. shaft rides an turns.
grieve atone.  vortext travelled.
irish test pattern. friendly foam.

ice sturm. tingles back-draft
onyx singles. wings plunder.
bite bight. under achtung
spy removal. attached to
 or attached on or to attach or
in attaching to attach of attach.

turns tin on torn turns in turn.
time in on tinsel tones in turn.
tins in tones on turns or time.
test or in text or text in or text
language or language in or speech.
and speech. word speech. speech in.
on spoke. or on speak. or and speak.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

leather algae

liquid pond fumes.
swallows through nectar.
long ash on stick.

down threads.
toxic nannites.
reconstruct morphemes.

technobabble an forms
dodge parole en liberta.
tonne tue ticks friction in velcro.

pages itch.
blogs manhandle the brain pan.
copyright penis envy.

lugs up un hulls.
dredge stoppard.
theater of cruelty.

stop at everything.
seeps in joy divisions.
well aware of what that means.

keybourd  stutters.
dump trek.
love tunes.

limpid bond looms.
swallow throat leather.
lung as un stack.

verb age

ebb penumbra.
words of intellect.

sliding to new worlds,
throngs with dialects.
 enters episodes.

monk bait.
worms of interlocute.


phatic  nexus.
pubic pulb.

throng of groans.
lull partakes un trolling

vortex time worn.
burns of fugue.

turns un tips.
mass stake.
pukes up nebulae.

omertà  thru wirren

dragon up lip.
levels in lower lungs.
dandruff fragrance.

Saturday, 22 June 2013


 gulf age.

word fibre. 
font glance.

dumb funk.
rapt unwrapped.
ambient drone.

embryo hypnotism
worn undone.
fronds in lapis.
enter en trance.

conceptual bun fluff.
echoes within echoes.
rum hubbub drowns.
she rubs textures onto skin and

vapour's nexus.
referred to an hurt.
simple number sequence.
wordish tome back-towards.
never a gain.

splinter tongue.

splinter tongue.
insurrectionry word pull.
glands instill.

flesh numb
obvious indicate into.

mills in spoors.

 pulls up from.
deconstructs of.
form or firm in via.

just when one.
dumpster free end
robes of stat.

lint tong.
incorrect worm pill.
lands i still.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

a poem i will never read

e forme di torsione e l'oro si sente
che soffre il solletico.

 e formè e' torsiòn e l''orò si sentè
ch soffrè o' solletìc 

and forms twist and gold feels

an firm this end goal fails
tackle ish.

sinking bell frond.
droops if time.

matzo derm.

new vein.

a ffurflenni nydd-dro ac aur yn teimlo

organic 1

organic fragmenting stamen .
black widow genetic strata
pearl of pearl/ perloff.  

 peel skin vein, traction endemic.
italian course vine. tepid tea creatures tickle

vampire police officer  clogs lift shaft  
with nasal mucus.
 maggots the size of newborns.

 frankish shields troop larvae.
liturgical embolism.
strobe lighght.

coptic talley.
 ukrainian sneeze festival.
 lodge barley.

maseltov cocktail.
tar that resembles blood.
alice finds an overgrown foetus head
under her tea table.

 examining abortion clinics.
the wolves are drinking lavazz’ and
whatching david lynch films back to back.
sniper round

posters of eyes
on school walls. 
blank black bulk boys kissing boys.

-screaming in blue dresses-

rictor smile.
snaggletooth bargain.
dooms to preclude.
hail il dolce!

was and end.


word of
of words/
words of letters.
letters in words.
letters and words.

Monday, 17 June 2013

link form.
parent gorm loss.
doom cycles.
splinter chunks.


a hum for stephen nelson


snicker moon fragments.
noise shatters base meant.
paper turns instruments into

letters flung up.
peers encourage bigotry.
open in.

word shimmy,dance of
shout earthworks.

paleolithic vampire.
art gallery beaten
by post.

modern hurt.

glimmers in eyethreads.

snigger monsfragment.
nose shitter bode mend.
pope tires implemeants unto