Tuesday, 29 September 2009

the biology of language part two (a)

clip forage matrimony. heliotrope spirals sing through my fingers. ellipses vortex illusion. she is here. not on q. lepidopterist leopards. whistling nostrils. gland fir feature. if/to be/to perceive/to be perceived, if.... letters on a page evoke what? in need of change. only an our too go. not alarmed yet. is this fortunate? thesaurus margin. to continue to con-

in for paragraph break the linebroken. once you set a ball rolling, it cannot be un-rolled. paradox space filler. quieter then a mouse. heiress. time to kill. to calhoun, to fetch boxes. exhibit true treasure-out of a man's hand. all abused after acquittance. it will take some time. small paranormal references. snore in infrared. start making sans, serif. you are a full,fool.


troylloyd said...

box for box untrammel so lightly lisping on p or q squared rothlike in/of/it/self voking e to be per sieved thru siftsunder on blank game with no margins undone & allways cont-

-inuing sig for sag w/ z being the slither tightly strung for between teeth the eel of slippery serifsurf gnarly on edge, liquid.

mike di tomasso said...

box to
box to
to box
box to
to box
tx boo